Computer Space 2004 - XVI-th edition
Youth Career Services - international projects organyzed
by SCAS in cooperation with partners form different countries;
- December, 2002 - December, 2004 Project duration
Computer Space 2003 - XV-th edition
Networking Multicultural
Centers from Western and South-Eastern Europe - international
projects organyzed by SCAS in cooperation with partners form different
- September
05 - 08, 2002 Working Meeting
Policy & Modern Media Arts (in South-Eastern Europe) -
international projects organyzed
by SCAS in cooperation with partners form different countries;
- July
16- 21, 2002 Working Meeting
- Youth Resources in Internet - international project
organyzed by SCAS and Basement in Nelson in cooperation with partners
form different countries;
- March 01 - August 31, 2002 Project duration
International Youth
Projects Management & Youth Information - international
project organyzed by SCAS in cooperation
with partners form different countries; Information
- June 20 - 24, 2002 Seminar
Youth Resources in
Internet - international projects organyzed
by SCAS in cooperation with partners form different countries;
- March 15 - 18, 2002 Working meeting
Identity in Modernity - international
project organized by SCAS in cooperation with
partners form different countries;
- November 3 - 8, 2001 Contact seminar
Identity and Youth Information Policy - international project organized
by SCAS in cooperation with partners form different countries;
- April 5 - 8, 2001 Contact seminar
- September 1 - 7, 2001 Training course
(In)Visible Faces - international
project organized by SCAS in cooperation with
partners form 16 countries;
- April 5 - 9, 2001 WorkShop
to table of contents
Networks and Youth Work - international
training course organized by SCAS in cooperation with
partners from 9 countries.
Art and Information against the Violence
- international youth exchange organized by SCAS
in cooperation with partners from 13 countries (Jan 21-31, 2000).
campaign and modern media
youth exchange will take place in Sofia from 21.03 to
28.03.2000. It will give young people and artists,
students and experts the possibility to share their
cultural and work experience in the form of lectures,
games and workshops and to exchange ideas about the
topics above.
to table of contents
Resistance culture - March 2000,
Sofia - Bulgaria.
New media and communications offer young people and
young artists the possibility to express their
non-official and non-traditional points of view. We
could see the emerging of the "new
resistance". Modern media and communications
open possibilities for the explosion of so-called
"resistance culture". One of the most
important ways to build independent thinking is the
"resistance culture". And this culture
becomes an important feature of the youth modernity.
of the Information

the pic
symposium in the frames
of the forum Computer Space 98.
Focuses on the information problem
and discusses its solution.
For participation contact
Student Computer Art Society.