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Welcome to Virtual Career Center


Welcome to the Virtual Career Center. The site is part of the transfer of innovation project VETCAR, performing under the Leonardo da Vinci program and provides useful information about career development by using new information technologies. It is designed for young people trying to build career but could be helpful also for consultants and trainers working in career centers.The main aim of the VETCAR project itself is to promote consulting and raise awareness of career planing in early years from graduation of vocational education among youngsters. You can find more information about the project on the project website - www.kariyerdanismani-vetcar.org

In this website you can find the following:

Comprehensive e-Learning materials - here you can find information about job seeking, job interviews and tips for the first days on your new job place
Workshop - in this section of the site you can do self-assessment test as well as some other tools that will help you understand the theory in the e-Learning section
Links to career websites - the resource section contains the project products and materials and a list of usefull and well known sites in the field of job seeking, career development, working abroad etc.


Project : LLP-LDV-TOI-2007-TR-053
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