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Jury and Prizes


As usual, Computer Space will give you an opportunity to gain international acknowledgement for your project and the chance to win some of our prizes. This year prizes include:

- The official statuettes of the forum for the first prize winners in the nine categories, a symbol of professionalism and quality in new media and computer arts. The statuettes are created by Ivo Arnaudov.

- Digital cameras for the first place winners in the nine categories. The prizes are provided by SCAS.

- Up to 12 projects will be awarded with special prizes e-Games. The awarded projects should be games on concrete topics, introduced in section "categories". Games should be registered in categories "offline multimedia" or "online multimedia" depending on the platform of the game.

- Software package Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium, which includes the latest applications Adobe InDesign, Photoshop Extended, Illustrator, Flash Professional, Dreamweave and Acrobat 8 Professional, provided by BMG, official distributor of Adobe Systems for Bulgaria.

- InterSystems Cache’ with included Technical Support and Software Update for 12 months (offered by InterSystems).

- E-government prize (a statuette) for the best project in this field.

- Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition and SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and hardware for the best project created with Microsoft development products and second place (offered by Microsoft Bulgaria). For 3rd place - software packages Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition and SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.

- Software and hardware will be provided by Microsoft Bulgaria for all participants nominated for the second and third place in the nine categories.

- All nominated projects (five in all nine categories) will be included in the programme and the forum catalog. The winners will be invited to participate in the award ceremony and in the forum events.

- Also, a number of additional prizes will be provided - year's subscriptions for leading IT newspapers, calling cards, etc.

There will be five nominated projects for each category. The winners will be announced and awarded at the official Gala Evening within the frame of the Forum

In 2006 the prizes were handed by ministers, and vice-ministers and by directors of leading companies.

The evaluation criteria for all projects are as follows:
- Aesthetics, originality
- Compelling conception
- Innovation in the special expression of vivid and sonic imagination
- Technique and quality of the project.
Criteria in different subcategories of the web design are with different weights.

The members of the Jury are:
- Anastasia Salabasheva - Golden Pages
- Ivailo Seferov - animator
- Prof. Simeon Venkov - university teacher in contrabass and bass guitar
- Donny - Popcorn band - Teodora Tencheva - TBWA
- Ivelin Stefanov - Head of department in Information Service Pls and lecturer in NBU, member of BWA/Bulgarian Web Association/, BACS/Bulgarian Association for Computer Security/, BAPM/Bulgarian Association for Project Management/.
- Kosta Atanasov - moderator in Graphilla forum
- Svetoslava Ilieva - NetAge Solutions
- Naiden Nikolov - lecturer in University of Sofia
- Vladimir Djambazov - Composer and performer of electronic music
- Petar Neichev - AWSUM Interactive
- Nikolay Mihaylov - moderator in 3dbg.com
- Yane Frenski - web designer
- Dimitar Dimitrov - Chipson, composer and founder of www.BG-Sonic.com
Chairman of the Organizing Committee and the jury (non-voting) - Dr. Rosen Petkov
